Welding Manipulator

Misa is the premier brand in China for Welding Manipulators, with a wide range of models able to complete any welding job from TIG/MIG and FCAW to SAW. Our products are certified by world-recognized ISO certifications as well as CE standards. Rest assured that when you choose Misa, quality control guarantees your project will be handled safely and correctly!

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  1. Professional design team provides customized services
  2. Production line with strict control process
  3. Fine processing technology
  4. Can meet the electrical standards of different countries
  5. Arrange on-site installation, commissioning, training, maintenance and other services within 7 days
  6. Trial operation will be carried out before delivery to ensure that the goods can be operated normally when they arrive at the customer
  7. Remote video guidance service available

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Welding Manipulators – The All-In-One FAQ Guide

Have you ever heard of welding manipulators before? Or do you want to have a real grasp of what this welding manipulator is? If you’re like most people, welding manipulators would be new to your ears – you will be alien to it, but once you get to know it, you will be pulled and enticed to learn more about it.

So, what we did in this FAQ guide is we enumerated some of the most vital factors of welding manipulators you need to know about. We’ll discuss what it is, how it differs from other welding equipment, who it’s for, and what the pros and cons of it are.

Sit back, relax, and stay tuned as you will now learn all the ins and outs of welding manipulators!

What is a Welding Manipulator?

A welding manipulator is a machine that holds and moves the welding torch in a controlled manner, it is commonly used in welding large structures such as ships, tanks, bridges and large pipes. It allows the welder to work in a comfortable position and to weld at the precise location required, this improves the quality of the weld and reduces the risk of accidents.

The manipulator holds the torch in a steady position and can be programmed to move the torch in a specific pattern, or it can be controlled manually by an operator. Some welding manipulators also include additional features such as positioners and turning rolls to further aid in the welding process – we’ll talk more about that later.

Is a Welding Manipulator Similar to a Welding Positioner?

A welding manipulator and a welding positioner are similar in that they both aid in the welding process by holding and positioning the workpiece. However, they have different functions and capabilities – in short, they are a lot different.

A welding manipulator is similar to a welding positioner in that both are used to position and hold a workpiece in a specific location for welding.

However, a welding manipulator typically has a robotic arm that can move the workpiece in multiple axes, whereas a welding positioner typically only rotates the workpiece around a single axis.

The better way to think of it is that welding positioners adjust the workpiece while the manipulator adjusts and moves the weld head or the primary tool used for welding.

What Are the Applications of a Welding Manipulator?

Welding manipulators are used in a wide variety of industries and applications but the most common of these applications would be in the pipe, vessel, and tank construction sectors. They are also sometimes used in the production or manufacturing of structural and engineering equipment, but they’re more so used for industrial.

Usually, welding manipulators are combined with other welding equipment such as welding positioners, welding rotators, turning rolls, or other welding positioning equipment for it to become more effective and efficient.

Should You Use a Welding Manipulator?

Welding manipulators are considered part of the few-most important and most crucial equipment in the construction or structural industry, but why use one?

The primary reason why you want to consider using a welding manipulator is the fact that it can give you complete assistance to difficult, complex, and hard-to-reach areas. If an area is too risky or dangerous for a particular welder, manipulators can eliminate that by working on its own.

No matter how skilled and experienced a welder is, there will always be limitations to how he or she can perform specific tasks.  

Although there is no forcing of whether or not you should use a welding manipulator, experts suggest using one in order for you to get the best quality of weld you can get for your project! Programs are better than humans in terms of accuracy, precision, and of course, technology. Manual welders wouldn’t be able to beat the accuracy set for welding software and programs!

Pros or Benefits of Welding Manipulators

Using welding manipulators have too few benefits and advantages especially if you are the type of business that relies on output, then you would most likely consider these pros largely:

Safer and More Secure Welding Procedures

One of the primary advantages and pros of using welding manipulators is the fact that it’s safer and more secure than letting welders manually do it. Since these are mostly independent equipment, they will less likely need the intervention of a human for them to function or to be operated.

The “safety” we’re talking about is not just with the welder but with the workpiece, too. Sometimes, workpieces can be stripped off their quality due to the fact that they’re improperly handled by welders – so, with manipulators, it’s totally cared for.

Better Welding Control

Another benefit that welding manipulators give welders is that it allows them to have better welding control. Manual or automatic, weld manipulators can reach places without welders overextending any part of their bodies in order to reach a particular point.

With automatic weld manipulators, the speed of the computer is the name of the game. The faster the computer or the program, the faster the project will be completed.

Welding Processes Automation

Most welding equipment we know of today can be automated, not to mention the fact that welding manipulators come in manual and automatic, too. What this basically means is welders have the opportunity to oversee the work instead of them working on it by themselves.

In addition, welders can develop and systematize processes and methodologies if they’re utilizing automatic welding manipulators.

Faster and Better Productivity

Last but most definitely not least is the speed of the job. These types of machines or – machines, in general, are actually made to speed up and hasten the overall productivity of a project. Looking at it in the bigger picture, welders using a manipulator will allow them to:

  • Reach complex places faster
  • Focus on developing other projects or extensions
  • Be safe while the weld is taking place

These are some of the most important pros and advantages of using a welding manipulator. You will definitely encounter more of these as you go along and use them for your own.

Cons or Drawbacks of Welding Manipulators

If you think that it’s all rainbows and butterflies, think again. Like with any other machine, welding manipulators aren’t perfect nor are they just made for these benefits.

The use of welding manipulators also has a few drawbacks inclined to it; so for you to gain a better understanding of some of its negativities, they include:

Higher Initial Cost

Of course, these machines aren’t designed and engineered in such a way that it can replace people without a price. If you take it into perspective, the cost of a single welding manipulator can be 3 or even 4 times more than the monthly rate of welders.

Although the returns can pretty much answer to what the price is, it’s still going to be an initial cost that you, as a business owner, need to face and take care of.

It Can Replace Labor and Welders

Possibly the worst con or drawback of using welding manipulators is that it can omit the need for welders. Welding is a special skill to the extent that most companies require experience or certification before it’s granted to the individual.

With robotics and automatic welding manipulators becoming more and more available to the industrial sector, less labor or manpower will be its final result.

Not Flexible Enough

If you think that these automated machines or robots give you a hand in flexibility, you’re wrong. In fact, did you know that about 89% of manufacturing firms and plants claim that non-flexibility is one of the adverse effects of automation?

Manual welding will allow the welder or worker to move from one place to another freely, whereas with these automatic welding machines, they only have their focus on a pivotal scale, which means less flexibility and room to go around the workpiece.

Skilled Staff Requirement

Since welding manipulators are already the ones to perform the job, then the operators or the people who would be manning these needs to be skilled or experienced, at least. Most of the time, organizations and companies would choose an experienced operator of machines than experienced welders, which is kind of ironic if you take a closer look at it.

Imagine hiring someone without any background in manning or operating a welding machine. Introducing them, training them, and assessing their acquired knowledge can actually be an extreme cost to the company.

Those are it for the cons and disadvantages of using welding manipulators for your projects. Some of them are already being a burden to various organizations, but in the clearer picture, the pros outweigh the cons heavily!

What is 1F, 2F, 3F, and 4F Welding?

These combinations of alphanumeric characters denote the type of welding process that needs to be done on a project. Usually, these codes are identified and are followed by the welder religiously in order to attain the weld that’s been looking for by the client.

What Do the Numbers Mean?

The numbers or the prefixes of each of these symbols refer to the type or the position of welding that needs to be done. In case you weren’t aware, there are four (4) different welding positions. You know what? Here’s a table for you to understand what we’re talking about.

1 or Flat Welding

The most common position in welding; when the welder is above the workpiece and is welding normally from point A to point B.

2 or Horizontal Welding

It’s not the same as flat welding because the weld will be horizontal. Imagine you’re the welder and what you see on eye level is what you’re welding.

3 or Vertical Welding

Vertical welding or the welding from point A to point B at a vertical axis instead of a horizontal one.

4 or Overhead Welding

Overhead welding – considered the most difficult or most complex or when the welder performs the welding process over his or her head.

That’s for the numbers or prefixes. What about the letters on those signs and symbols?

What Do the Letters Mean?

The letters at the end of each number refer to the type of weld that’s needed. F is the symbol for a fillet weld or a weld that conjoins two (2) or more components that meet at a perpendicular angle, while G refers to the groove weld or the weld needed to fill a gap or the root.

Don’t ever be confused when you encounter the symbols 1F, 1G, 4G, 3F, and so on. They don’t mean anything but the position and the type of weld that you need to perform!

Welding Manipulators For Sale

The market is filled with tons of welding manipulators to help you maximize the quality of the weld as well as make your processes easy and flexible. Typically, welding manipulators are sold by its own manufacturers, but for the record, they can also be rented out or leased.

One example where you can purchase welding manipulators would be from us here at MISA Welding. We offer state-of-the-art welding manipulators made from robust components that pull it all through together.

Types of Welding Manipulators

Three (3) of the most used and most common types and kinds of welding manipulators are: Column and Boom Welders, Rotary Welding Positioners, and Rollers.

Column and Boom Welders

These are the types of welding manipulators that are have a column and a boom and are usually partnered with other welding equipment. Its structure is unlike any other as it has a column where the boom is attached to, and then a welding head is attached at the end of the boom.

They’re usually meant for projects that are too wide and high that sending a welder or an operator to that location is extremely risky.

Rotary Weld Positioners

These are the types of manipulators that hold a workpiece or a weldment in place and then rotate it for the welder not to change positions or levels. These manipulators come in all different types, shapes, and sizes, and are available for any application it seems fit


Last but most definitely not least are the rollers. These are probably the easiest and the fastest type of manipulator to understand. Their primary task is like how other manipulators perform – they rotate and roll a specific type of product or weldment in order for the welder to avoid the nuisance of changing positions every second.

These are the 3-most-popular and most-used types of welding manipulators in the scene. There are others and some more are being innovated, but the traditional likes are these.

Manual Weld Manipulators vs. Automatic Weld Manipulators

From their terms alone, it’s evident how they’re different. But for the benefit of everyone, let’s dive deeper and discuss them separately:

Manual manipulators are the manipulators that have stagnant and steady weld heads and that the laborer needs to adjust in order for the weld to progress. It’s “manual,” meaning, there’s no automations going on.

Automatic manipulators, alternatively, are the types of manipulator that are automated and are controlled by a computer. That is how a manual and an automatic weld manipulator is different from one another.

Sizing a Welding Manipulator

Sizing a welding manipulator means checking whether or not the equipment befits the requirement you’re looking for. In order to size a weld manipulator properly, you’ll have to put your focus on two (2) properties of the machine – Reach & Lift and the Load Capacity.

The Reach & Lift is the property that is about the total length and width that the manipulator can have, while the Load Capacity is the property that identifies the amount of weight and pressure that it can hold.

How Much Are Welding Manipulators?

Welding manipulators are sure-off welding equipment that’s perfectly designed and engineered to give you utmost assistance in welding. The price varies depending on their operational functionalities as well as the manufacturer that produced it.

To give you a rough estimate, though, simple manual welding manipulators cost around $2,000 and $3,000. Automatic ones, on the other hand, typically cost about $8,000 to $12,000 depending on the complexity of it. Some were even reported to cost $25,000 because of how powerful and how flexible they are.

Are Chinese Weld Manipulator Manufacturers Trustworthy?

Yes, in fact, Chinese companies have been the bread and butter of most European and American companies for their construction projects. Besides the fact that most of our products here are cheap, they’re also up to the global standard in welding.

The majority of Chinese welding manipulators heavily rely on exportation, for the local competition is too tough – and cheap, per se. Therefore, you will find the best quality of welding manipulators in China because they are battling on a global scale.

Which Chinese Manufacturer of Welding Manipulators Should You Trust?

You will find a ton of Chinese welding manipulator suppliers and manufacturers in the market – especially today after the pandemic. But are you aware of the company you will trust?

MISA Welding has been all over the industry for the past 20 years and we never showed any signs of stopping. From producing basic and simple welding manipulators with fundamental components to premium-quality welding manipulators with superior-quality components, we are just a message away!

If you are in dire need of a Chinese welding manipulator supplier that has been trusted and duly certified in the market, you can never go wrong in choosing us and our welding manipulators here at MISA Welding!

Why You Should Choose MISA Welding

Being 20+ years present in the market, we have seen the basics and the further development in the welding sector. Our engineers lived through the simplest of welding days when equipment and resources were scarce – and some of them were able to cherish the advancements of technology.

MISA Welding is the perfect choice for the welding manipulators you’re looking for. Whether you need a single weld head or multiple weld heads for your construction project, we’ll be more than happy to help you with what you need!

Whether you need column & boom systems, welding positioners, sub arc weld manipulators, welding turntables, or any other supplemental welding machinery, MISA Welding will never disappoint you.

  • We have a team of highly-skilled and technical team that focuses on innovation
  • Our robust set of high-tech and cutting-edge equipment allows us to produce the best qualities of welding manipulators you ever lay your eyes on
  • Our team continuously adapt to the needs, projects, and developments of businesses and the society
  • Our pre and after-sales services are extremely efficient and will contact you as soon as they see it!

Reach out to us if you are interested to get high-quality welding manipulators without burning a hole in your pocket! Contact us today and we will send a free quotation over!

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