Tank Fit-Up Rolls

Misa is an industry leader in tank fit up rolls, distinguished by our highly reliable and superior products. Whatever your size or speed needs may be, we guarantee you a bespoke solution that will meet all of the demands expected from it. With Misa at your side, trust that you have the best partner to help reach success with whatever challenge arises!

Tank Fit-Up Rolls Video

Why Choose Misa

  1. Professional design team provides customized services
  2. Production line with strict control process
  3. Fine processing technology
  4. Can meet the electrical standards of different countries
  5. Arrange on-site installation, commissioning, training, maintenance and other services within 7 days
  6. Trial operation will be carried out before delivery to ensure that the goods can be operated normally when they arrive at the customer
  7. Remote video guidance service available

Tank Fit-Up Rolls – The Detailed FAQ Guide

Out of the many different auxiliary equipment used for construction and structural projects, tan fit-up rolls are part of those that are less traveled to and discussed simply because of how industry and workpiece-specific they are.

In case you’re not fully aware of what tank fit-up rolls are, then, this guide is specifically for you! We will be going over tank fit-up rolls completely to help you figure out whether they are a good supplement to your project or not!

Before we dive deep into the realm of tank fit-up rolls, though, do you know what they are? Let us first try to unravel the truth behind what these machines and equipment are!

What is the Welding Fit-Up Process?

The welding fit-up process is something that a lot of people have the misconception of because they think of it to be the simple fitting. To help you gain a better and clearer understanding of what it is, the welding fit-up process is the process in which two (2) or more metal components and parts are pieced together by applying a combination of heat and pressure on the welding area.

The process is simple – tack welding is what’s used to conjoin the different pieces together through sending electrical current to the workpieces. Moreover, the parts are locally heated for them to befit the welding procedure.  

What is a Tank Fit-Up Roll?

Some think that a tank fit-up roll is a type of process, while some people think that it’s a protocol for pipes and tubing components. What is it really?

A tank fit-up roll is a type of machine used for the fitting of pipes, tanks, and vessels or the fitting range of the diameter tanks or thin-walled pipes and vessels. In addition, these machineries and equipment are also utilized to pin and fuse shell courses together, providing a rigid diameter vessel.

In other words, a tank fit-up roll is a piece of structural equipment that’s used for fitting pipes, tubes, tanks, and other cylindrical objects together.

What Are Fit-Up Bed Rollers?

By definition, fit-up bed rollers are tools or machines that are used for the enhancement and further development of pipes, tubes, and other cylindrical objects and workpieces.

So, in other words, fit-up bed rollers and tank fit-up rollers are the same – they’re just different when it comes to terminology, but, overall, they’re the same. Some companies and businesses just want to use the term fit-up bed rollers because it’s easier for them to find the specific market of where they can be located.

What Specs Should You Look For in Tank Fit-Up Rolls?

Like with smartphones and other gadgets, there are several factors and specifications you need to look at before buying a product. These specs can make or break your experience when it comes to using tank fit-up rolls as they will help you with all the necessary actions you need for your project.

For instance, if you are in the heavy-duty machinery and equipment sector, you want to get a tank fit-up roll that’s able to carry or hold the weight of the workpieces and weldments that your projects have. Doing so will give you room to modify or choose a new machine for your projects.

The following are among the most important things to consider before purchasing a tank fit-up roll:

Total Weight

This refers to the total weight that the machine has. Take note, though, that this is different from the shipping weight because the shipping weight would also have the weight of the crates or boxes, whereas the total weight only refers to the weight of the overall machine with all the materials involved or included.

Total Size

Knowing the size of a tank fit-up roll is essential, too, since you will need to place it within the manufacturing plant. It is essential to understand the total size for you to adjust other machines and equipment within your working area, too.

Load Capacity

The load capacity refers to the total weight that the tank fit-up roll can handle. These machines are engineered to be highly durable and resistant, but, even though that’s the case, it still has its limits. Be sure to get a tank fit-up roll that’s right in handling your workpieces and projects.


By knowing and having a full understanding of the material that your tank fit-up rolls are made of, you are somehow preparing for the way that your projects are going to come up. You have to make sure that the materials complement each other to avoid abrasion, scratching, or even initial damage to the workpiece.

Rotation Speed

The rotation speed is the specification that refers to the speed that the wheels or rollers can reach. Some projects require top speed for technical welding and assembly operations, while there are those that can just be maintained at moderate speeds.

You don’t want to choose a tank fit-up roll that has misaligned speed to whatever you have!

Turning Capacity  

Lastly, the turning capacity is the specification in which businesses and companies often fail to recognize. The turning capacity is somehow clinically related to the load capacity, with the difference that the turning capacity refers to the total weight that the machine can handle while turning – load capacity is just the factor of carrying the load of the machine, whereas turning capacity refers to the weight while it’s being turned.

Among the many different things to look out for with tank fit-up rolls, these are among the most essential. So, try to ensure that the tank fit-up rolls you’re going to get has the safest and most secure materials and specifications that will befit the application!

Tank Fit-Up Rolls Prices

Like many other supplemental welding equipment, tank fit-up rolls are not all created equally. What we mean by this is that you would least likely find two (2) tank fit-up rolls that are identically the same in terms of design, use or functionality, and even price.  

On average, a tank fit-up roll is priced anywhere between $5,000 and $100,000. I know, that’s a big range… So, let us tell you how the price range is that big considering the subtle differences between different tank fit-up rolls.

Those that are in the $5,000 to $10,000 price range are usually the ones that are the simplest. They’re usually the machines that are only equipped with the fundamentals of a tank fit-up roll. Some could have too few features, but it would be rare.

Those that are priced at $11,000 to $30,000 would automatically have added features and functionalities in them. Whether it’s added support to the fitting mechanism, extra notions of speed, and added pressure automation on the gears and/or controls, they will be included.

$30,000 and higher-priced tank fit-up rolls are usually the ones that are automatic and are filled with a lot of additional functions, making them multipurpose welding supplemental machines and equipment rather than just standalone tank fit-up rolls.

Before, we have seen $80,000+ tank fit-up rolls that are humongous in size and can be toned down for the welding of standard pipes, tubes, vessels, and fittings. It was so flexible and durable at the same time, that you can use it for any type of project you need.  

Pros of Using Tank Fit-Up Rolls

Tank fit-up rolls are considered a blessing in the welding industry – also in the construction or structural industry, as well. This is because of the pros or benefits you can have when you decide to use one!

Less Manpower and Labor Needed

It’s quite evident that the more machines you inculcate in your manufacturing processes, the less manpower or human intervention is needed – that is true in the case of tank fit-up rolls. There are tons of tank fit-up rolls that have semi and automated ways of mounting, dismounting, and angling workpieces, so, the need to hire more people to reposition a 40-ton pipe will be omitted.

Faster Time to Complete Work

Machines, naturally, help us to finish and complete jobs faster. Imagine having a tank fit-up roll that will automatically give you the 360-degree version of the gigantic component in a closer scale – how do you think would that be?

For the welder, it’s easier. He or she doesn’t have to go around the workpiece every minute just to check up on the welds that have been done or to see if the weld has been latched on properly. When it comes to the workpiece or weldment, though, it will be less risky because of how aligned and accurately positioned it will be, perfect for the welder to work on it.

Safer and More Secure

Tank fit-up rollers is the equipment that gives total assurance that the workers and welders are safe from any type of accident that could possibly happen. Now, the majority of tank fit-up rollers would be equipped with safety measures, but some won’t.

Nevertheless, the simple fact that a tank fit-up roll would automatically handle the machine is already an excellently safe feature for operators and welders.

It Can Have Multiple Uses

Tank fit-up rolls aren’t machines or equipment that are just designed for welding purposes. Instead, you can actually use it for other projects and activities as well, such as assemblies, monitoring, assessments, coloring, and even modifications, too!

Good-quality tank fit-up rollers would serve multiple purposes and that is something you won’t be able to attain with manual welding.

Better and Higher Weld Accuracy

Of course, to top it all off, tank fit-up rolls help you get a better and higher quality of weld to your weldments and workpieces. The continuous stable rotation and revolution of the tank fit-up rolls allow your welders to focus more on the welding job than ensuring that the workpiece or weldment doesn’t fall off!

These are just some of the best and most sought-after pros and advantages of tank fit-up rolls. Along the way and the more you use them, you will find many other advantages that will surely keep you interested in them!

Applications of Tank Fit-Up Rollers

Tank fit-up rolls can be used for any round or cylindrical-shaped object or workpiece that you need to weld (or generally work on). So long as it fits the rollers of the machine, you can use it!

You will find a ton of different applications for it, but the most common would be :

  • Pipe Spooling
  • Car Tanks
  • Engines
  • Heat Exchange Units
  • Automotive Vehicle Components
  • Shipyards
  • And Many More

NOTE: Other industries that require the use of big tanks, vessels, and other cylindrical components can enjoy the benefits of tank fit-up rolls, too.  

Used Tank Fit-Up Rolls

The market has a ton to offer when it comes to tank fit-up rolls. There are brand new ones, slightly used ones, and even those that are pre-loved or secondhand. For the market of used tank fit-up rolls. Several companies like WALDUN and LJ Welding have their fair shares of used tank fit-up rolls.

The prices vary from how used it was, the type and how advanced the machine is to the overall turning capacity, load capacity, and the materials used to create and manufacture the equipment, too.

You can expect paying anywhere between $3,000 and $10,000 for used tank fit-up rolls that are advanced and high-quality.

Parts of Tank Fit-Up Rollers

Tank fit-up rolls, especially the ones that have been manufactured after 2015, would already have advanced mechanisms and features that would greatly help out in the overall process.

However, there are just some parts and components where if they are not included, the tank fit-up roll wouldn’t have any use. So, the following parts should NEVER be taken out of the tank fit-up rolls:


This is the component that controls the speed, turning rate, height, and the overall activity of the tank fit-up roll. In some cases, the controller of the manipulator or the weld head will be part of it, too.


The idler is the primary foundation of tank fit-up rolls. It is where all other components used in the sequence rest and without it, they wouldn’t be held together.

Wheel Frames

The wheel frames are the components that help support the wheels. When it comes to adjustments, they also help adjust to the wheel’s height and elasticity.

Transmission Device

This is the part or the component that helps in controlling and moderating the rotation’s speed. Whether you want the rate to be faster or slower, the transmission device helps regulate it via the controller.

Wheels (Turning Wheels)

Tank fit-up rolls wouldn’t be what it is if it weren’t for the wheels. The wheels are among the most relevant and important components of tank fit-up rolls and it can be made from rubber, plastic, polyurethane, or any other type of material that’s purposely good for turning or rotating.

Motor (DC Motor)  

This is what makes everything come together. Without the motor, then the tank fit-up roll needs to be controlled by another mechanism. Other tank fit-up rolls use AC motor, but, it’s good to have everything checked first before buying.

Semi-Automatic vs. Automatic Tank Fit-Up Rolls

In the industry, there are what we call semi-automatic and automatic tank fit-up rolls. These are the different types and classifications of tank fit-up rolls.

To give it to you in the fastest way, semi-automatic tank fit-up rolls are those that do not include controlling the weld head. Whether the weld head is coming from a welder (manual welding) or it’s coming from a manipulator and is not part of the tank fit-up rolls’ system, then it’s considered semi-automatic.

Automatic tank fit-up rolls, on the contrary, are those that would already incorporate the weld head via a welding manipulator, keeping every control of the entire machine in a single controller. Moreover, automatic tank fit-up rolls can also have control over other pieces of equipment within the vicinity of the manufacturing plant, too.

Where Can You Get the Best Tank Fit-Up Rolls?

Usually, the best tank fit-up rolls can be found on certain locations, primarily in the west – in Canada, USA, and even in the UK. There’s no doubt that those places are going to have the best quality of tank fit-up rolls. The only problem would be the price.

Expect paying anywhere north of $10,000 for tank fit-up rolls there. Why? Because those are premium locations. They’re able to position their market prices along the entire board simply because of where they are.

So, if you are eager to get high-quality tank fit-up rolls for prices you would NEVER expect to pay, work with Indian, Chinese, and Vietnamese manufacturers. I would say going for Chinese tank fit-up roll manufacturers will be your best bet simply because of how profound their experience is and how cheap labor and supplies are in the country.

In fact, if you were to go with a Chinese manufacturer, you can expect the same kind of quality with a price that is almost three times less than getting it from a US manufacturer.

Is MISA Welding the Best Chinese Tank Fit-Up Rolls Manufacturer to Work With?

You will find a heap of Chinese manufacturers of tank fit-up rolls, but the best one (to date) is none other than us here at MISA Welding. For over 20 years in the market, we have produced and provided our clientele with the best quality of tank fit-up rolls they can get.

We’re not just talking about the quality of products, because we also offer superior quality of customer service and customer experience to everyone.

MISA Welding is employed with the industry’s most respected and most experienced engineers and professionals, giving you the assurance that what you’re looking for EXACTLY will be met.

Why You Should Choose MISA Welding

Out of the million reasons why working with us will be your best decision, many businesses and companies look at our portfolio and are surprised by what we’re able to offer:

  • MISA Welding offers premium OEM products, components, and machines
  • We’re able to assure you of a 1-year warranty for all equipment
  • Our expertise and knowledge encompass the usual skill of other manufacturers
  • We have an excellent manufacturing plant that is spacious enough for all projects and manufacturing

MISA Welding is more than open to give you the tank fit-up rollers that you’re looking for. Wherever you are in the world, if you feel like you need help with any type of welding equipment – whether you need a welding positioner, a welding rotator, pipe rotator, and even a weld manipulator, we’ll be more than happy to help!

Call us or shoot us an email or a message on any of our platforms and we’ll be right with you! We’ll even send a free quotation over!

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